Thursday, April 1, 2010

Young Professionals

Offer Name: Young Professionals
Offer Value: .4 points ($0.40)
Offer Completion Time: 4 mins
Offer Crediting Delay: 2 mins

1. Select it from the list.
2. Fill in the form with believable information
3. Hit Alt = to select no to all the buttons. Then click the button at the bottom.
4. Do the same as you did in step 3
You're now finished!

Subway $50 Gift Card

Offer Name: Subway $50 Gift Card
Offer Value: .5 points ($0.50)
Offer Completion Time: 2 mins
Offer Crediting Delay: 2-3 Hours

1. Fill in your email.
2. Fill in believable information.
3. Click skip for all the pages like this one.
4. Click on 2 of the ads on this page. Leave them open for about a minute.

You are now done!